Hey everyone!
So I'm starting off with this: this post has absolutely no direction. I don't know where I'm going with this or what I'm talking about. Hopefully we'll find a purpose on the way. Sound good? Great.
I've been plagued with a perpetual cold recently and it just won't subside. I took one day off from school because I was feeling miserable, but that didn't help much because I had the ACT the next day so I wanted to study. I feel like I need a couple of days to recuperate from this, but I just don't have the time. Don't you sometimes wish you could stretch the day longer? I do. Today, I'd take a long nap and then probably do some homework and laundry. Which I've neglected to do for a very long time, by the way. My laundry was due to be done last Tuesday. And it's Sunday. Yay for growing up and having to do your laundry solo.
Speaking of growing up, I feel like I have a lot more freedoms now, but a lot of responsibilities. I know, I know, that's what everyone says. But it's true. Yes, I can drive all over the place now and go get Starbucks if I want to and do whatever. However, I have to compile college things myself. I have to be on top of stuff that I would usually delegate out to my dad. It's tough but it's good. The freedoms are worth the pain of self-management.
Lately, I've been really lusting over San Fran. For those of you that've followed my blog for a little bit, you'd know that I want to live in the Bay Area when I'm older. It's honestly a beautiful city and I feel like we're made for each other (me and san fran, that is). I keep looking at pictures of the city and freaking out because it's so pretty. I wish I lived there. So, so, so badly.
Bay Area? More like BAE area am I right? *chuckles*
Hopefully I'll write up something a little more meaningful later, but this is all for now.
Also I've been loving Bob Marley reggae recently. Is this love that I'm feeling?
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