Monday, January 11, 2016


Hey everyone!

I feel like I've said this a thousand times, but I'm going to say it again. I'm sorry for not posting regularly- I've been swamped with schoolwork and life in general. I wish that I could offer a better explanation than that, but it's really what has been going on as of late.

I wanted to write this post because at the moment, I've seen so many people facing the 'r word' around me. I myself have gotten rejections from 3 programs at universities I was interested in attending. These rejections really got me thinking, and I want to share my thoughts on them with all of you today.

Let me start off by saying this- I've been accepted to interview at 2 fantastic schools already (both of which are really high up on my interest level), so I'm not in a position to feel sorry for myself (not that I ever think it's okay to feel sorry for oneself). I think the biggest problem that I'm having right now is dealing with this idea that someone or something wouldn't want me.

One thing that you know about me if we've ever met is that one of my positive traits is my sense of perspective. I don't get upset when I do badly on a test or quiz or screw up a dance performance. I'm not afraid of failure- I use it as an opportunity to learn. I have enough perspective on the future that I know that at the end of the day, everything is going to be alright. So that's what I'm going to do today, through this blog post. Gain a little perspective and shun the feeling of inadequacy.

The most important thing to remember, if you're like me and facing a rejection, is that you are not being rejected because they don't like you. That's important, so I'm going to say it again- you are not being rejected because they don't like you. There is absolutely nothing in the world that they would love more than to have you as a student. The reason why you were rejected was because of space or resource constraints. Remove the idea that someone has a personal vengeance against you, because they don't. You are loved.

The second part to this is realizing that if someone close to you got an acceptance, while you got rejected, this does not mean that they somehow played a role in you being rejected. You did not get rejected because another person got accepted. The truth is, they might be better than you in some way. That doesn't mean that that was why you got rejected. Just remember, the one thing that they can never do is be you. Only you can do that. Don't feel inferior- ever.

Once, when I was younger, I read a self-help book (go ahead, laugh) that really shifted my perspective and truly made me into the person that I am today. One line in that book that I will never forget goes as follows- whenever you blame your mood on someone or something, it's like you're giving the someone or something the remote that controls you. You are being a passenger to your own emotional self. Don't let that happen. This short statement has really stuck with me ever since I read that book and I try to live my life on that principle. Just remember this- don't let a rejection influence your mood. Only you can control how happy you are. Choose to be optimistic and filled with joy.

I hope this puts into light a very personal concept. Just remember, rejection is temporary. You will be okay.

Love and light,


  1. stopped by today to read your blog, and OMG you don't know how much i needed to read this! with so many of my friends being accepted to all these great schools, I got super frustrated at one point, but you're so right: "Don't let a rejection influence your mood. Only you can control how happy you are. Choose to be optimistic and filled with joy."
    thanks and i miss you so much! wishing you the best of luck wherever you end up going!
    xoxo, aliz
