Monday, June 29, 2015

Staying Positive in a Sea of Negativity

Hey everyone!

It's been a while, hasn't it? I'm sorry for not staying regular with posts recently. Some events have happened in the past week that have made me have to stay offline. However, these incidences have given me some time to think about important things in life- namely, the power of positivity.

Let's flashback to Saturday, when I decided that I wanted to watch a movie with some friends. I pulled out my laptop to check what was on Netflix. I must've not been very careful because BAM- it fell almost instantaneous out of my hands. I was freaking out, but it worked immediately after that and then again on Sunday morning, but when I tried to log on Sunday afternoon, it was busted. My friend and I tried 3 hours to get it to work, but to no avail. It seemed like my laptop kicked the bucket for good.

You see, this wouldn't be a problem if this was any other summer- I mean, it's not like I have anything to do, right? Unfortunately for me, I have a paper and poster due in a week and a half. My parents are out of the country. I'm all  alone with no laptop, no family, and no solution to my problem.

And if that isn't bad enough, I had a bad week last week. I got a test score back that I wasn't very happy about and I almost lost my key in the Walmart parking lot.

Why am I telling you all of this? It's not to elicit pity out of you, that's for sure. The real reason why I told you this whole story is to prove to you that you can stay happy and positive regardless of the situation. Staying positive is a lifestyle, not just a mindset. With the right mindset, you can tackle every single challenge that life hauls on to you.

Sometimes when things seem in the dumps, all you want to do is lie down in bed and cry until your eyes fall out. It's hard to stay positive when life seems to be hell bent on knocking you down. Anyone that tells you that their life is a walk in the park is lying- everything from the littlest ant to the biggest business tycoon is struggling or has struggled with negativity. The key to success is transcending above the drudgery and keeping your chin up. Keep your mind on the better and brighter future- it's always darkest before the dawn.

Remember, other people can control almost every aspect of your life, but only you can control how you feel. Radiate positivity, love life, and soak up the beauty in the world.

Have a great day. I'll see you whenever I post next.



  1. Mal- you're my favorite <3
    I'll leave you with my favorite quote: "Now and then, it's good to pause in our pursuit of happiness, and just be happy."
